Innovation in cryogenics

Innovation research in cryogenics and development of new solutions. B-CRYOJET adopts a vision of continuous innovation in cryogenics and ecology.

Innovation box

B-CRYOJET creates the innovation box to ensure the industrial feasibility of its research and inventions. The R&D experts are monitoring the whole process and the steps from the research laboratory to the industrial production of products and machines.

Research and development

Innovation in cryogenics

Cryogenic accessories

Development of new cryogenic accessories with the most advanced technology for different application dimensions.

Nettoyage écologique Luxembourg
Ecological solutions

Innovation in ecological cleaning and disinfection processes. Development of new and unique techniques.

Innovation en cryogénie bcryojet
Cryogenic equipment

The development of complementary equipment in our laboratory dedicated to cryogenic applications and to dry ice use.

Cryogenic machines

Studies and research of new technological advances that can improve the efficiency and profitability of cryogenic machines.


Certified products

The R&D department proposes projects and studies for the research and development of products and solutions with a view to innovative objectives and compliance with legislation, regulations, and European standards.


Expert team

The team is composed of highly skilled engineers and technicians. With solid experience in the field of research and innovation in cryogenics and ecology, our team is continuously experimenting and developing innovative and unique solutions in today's competitive market.


Value creation

Our team adopts new technological advances and integrates them into the solutions to make them more suitable for different uses. Our innovation perspective is based on a better user experience and innovative application dimension.